Friday, March 30, 2012

Anything going on Oct. 23-26?

Is there anything particular going on in the city Oct. 23-26th. The prices seem to be more expensive and availability limited.

Just curious. Thanks.

Anything going on Oct. 23-26?

It is called Murphy%26#39;s Law. Everyone conspired against you, they are reserving rooms in blocks, just to make you pay more. Mind you, they never intend to use those rooms, they just want you not to use them!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sorry, I got carried away. To my knowledge nothing is going on, but then again I so not follow the papers on that far in the future events.

Try a different website or try to book closer to the date.

Anything going on Oct. 23-26?

broadwaynyc put it well in a recent post with a similar question:

';...what is ';going on'; is the very favorable exchange rates for the Euro versus the US dollar hence the influx of tourists resulting in very high hotel occupancy and high room rates';

I had a feeling the fates were against me. I just the same reason we didn%26#39;t go to Europe in March. I guess I%26#39;ll pay one way or the other. Milford Plaza here I come. Thanks for your help.


I will try to make a favorable exchange rate to your Georgian Dollar vs New York Dollar.

Have fun, Milford Plaza is in the middle of the Times Square, the most fun place to stay! Enjoy it.

BTY we went to Paris in August and EU was $1.22, better then $1.35 in March and we still paid a fortune, but had a great time.

I%26#39;ll be looking for that exchange rate! I%26#39;ve stayed there 2 times and you really can%26#39;t beat it for the location and price.

I%26#39;ve learned if you wait for the perfect time it never comes, exchange rate or not!

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