Friday, April 13, 2012

Unsafe places in Manhattan

Can anyone tell me what areas of Manhattan are unsafe and best avoided by 2 female tourist, we don%26#39;t want to walk down a street and wind up in the wrong kind of place, any help would be greatly appreciated.

Unsafe places in Manhattan

Manhattan is safe. But of course caution is the name of the game. I think it is important to have a plan as to where you are going- not just wandering. After dark I myself, a male was not really scard but stuck pretty close to my hotel and the general nieghborhood. Shouldn%26#39;t be a problem going to a show and staying on the major streets. DOn%26#39;t bring on any un-necessary attention to yourself and you will be fine. Enjoy !!!

Unsafe places in Manhattan

Where are you staying? Really, there are not any unsafe places that I know of in Manhattan, certainly not any below about 96th St. ANd you MUST go out at night! Do what NYorkers do...if you look down a street or start walking and feel unsafe, turn around and change plans. Neighborhoods where you will feel extremely safe, day or night: The Village (East, WEst, Greenwich), the Lower East Side, Chelsea, Little Italy, Chinatown, midtown between 9th Ave and 2nd Ave (that%26#39;s like ALL of midtown), Upper East Side, Upper West Side, SoHo, TriBeCa, Battery Park City. I feel comfortable riding the subway until midnight.

By the way, my husband is from the Gold Coast; just got back from a trip home. Brisbane has some GREAT restaurants! NYork is just a bigger Brisbane (: have fun!

Thanks for that, we are staying at several hotels, 1st being the DaVinci, the Newton and the Broadway Plaza, I was so glad you told me that all of those places were safe, Little Italy, china town etc they are a lot of the places we want to visit, can you recommend a good authenic Italian restaurant, yes! there are lots of good restaurants in Brisbane, but we are looking to partying in nyc...cant wait! thanks

During the daytime you should feel safe. At night it is important to stay on the main streets where other people are walking. Occasionally, I have felt uncomfortable if I am walking on a deserted block (including midtown) with stores that are shuttered and only one or two persons on them. Just switch to a busier street.

Restaurant recommendation: Lattanzi on Restaurant Row is really something special.

If you want excellent, trendy nouvelle Italian (it%26#39;s really good) I suggest Caffe Rosso in the West Village on W 12th St, plus it%26#39;s a fun neighborhood to walk around in the evening. I am sure other folks on tripadvisor have places to recommend.

Is Restaurant Row in Little Italy?

No, Restaurant Row is W. 46th St. - in midtown near Times Square and the Broadway theater district.

You will struggle to find an unsafe area in Manhattan. It%26#39;s too expensive these days for anybody but the rich to live in. Except for some areas in the northern tip and a couple of housing projects on the lower east side, you will be hard pressed to experience danger. Probably as safe or safer than Sydney.

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